A Player Community in Ultima Online (Chesapeake)
Shroud of the Avatar

Established January 19, 1998 in Ultima Online
Established April 24, 2014 in Shroud of the Avatar
Created April 30, 2015 in Shroud of the Avatar
PaxLair Portal: PaxLair Portal on Enjin
Building PaxLair in SotA: PaxLair Wiki Page on SotAWiki.net
We are a player community in Ultima Online (UO) and in Shroud of the Avatar (SotA).
- In UO, we are on the Chesapeake Shard as the oldest operating Player Town / Statehood since 1998. Our PaxLair Statehood consists of 4 citizen cities (PaxLair City, Dragons Watch, PaxOku, and Nidaros) and two allied cities (Gyldenfeld and Pitmuck). We have many additional guilds as allies and we cooperate with other cities in the Realm. We hold events throughout the week and our time is based on Eastern U.S. time. Our weekly meeting is in UO every Tuesday night at 9 PM Eastern U.S. Time.
- In SotA, we are building another PaxLair Player Town working with veterans, backers, players, and designers. Our PaxLair town is of the "metropolis" size to be opened when SotA is publicly released for Episode 1 (end of 2014 or beginning of 2015). We hold events and "build" PaxLair during the SotA pre-Alpha Releases each month. (SotA Forum: PaxLair Player Town thread)
April 30, 2015 - PaxLair goes LIVE in Shroud of the Avatar - A 1 km by 1 km player owned town scene.
See more about how we journeyed to this point in the Shroud of the Avatar Update - April 24, 2015 update #122.
PaxLair as it exists before the players move in. So peaceful. Not for long! 130+ houses to be built!
We are very pleased to see PaxLair created in SotA. Many people came together to make this a reality. PaxLair is being tested during the SotA pre-alpha releases and will be LIVE for official residency during Episode 1.
We seek to continue our work with developers and players as more player towns are built. Follow the creation and testing of PaxLair on this SotA Forum Thread.
We have multiple sites, forums, and portals. Some of these are historical and others are very active.
PaxLair Portal: PaxLair Portal on Enjin - Anyone may join our PaxLair Portal to participate in our discussions, research, and activities.
Building PaxLair in SotA: PaxLair Wiki Page on SotAWiki.net
- Official News: PaxLair Times
- IRC Channel: Server: irc.ultimacodex.com:6667 Channel: #PaxLair
- Twitter: @paxlair
- Facebook: Official PaxLair Page
- Weekly Meetings in UO: PaxLair Times Meeting Announcements
- Date and Time: Tuesdays at 9 PM ET (U.S. Eastern Time)
- Location: In Ultima Online, Chesapeake Shard. Specific location announced about 2 hours prior to each meeting.
- Attendees: Everyone is welcome! (UO account required) We receive a lot of visitors, new players, and returning veterans.
- In-game Chat: In UO, use the General Chat channel or the PaxLair Chat channel (if in use) to reach us if needed.
- Meeting Style: We meet in UO at a location (e.g., a meeting hall), and talk via on-screen text. I lead the meeting agenda: introductions, announcements, reports from our cities and alliance, and any other news. Many people speak at the meeting and we have a lot of fun! Meetings are maximum of one hour.
- OLD Web Site (archive): http://www.paxlair.com/site10/
- UO Forum: PaxLair Forums (historical)
Winfield, Old Man and Governor of PaxLair
updated July 20, 2014