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PaxLair Front Page News
News 2007 -
PaxLair Statehood
Written by Winfield_Pax
Monday, 24 September 2007 |
PAXLAIR STATEHOOD - September 24, 2007
On Sep 20th, Statehood Minister of Defense Cryptkeeper quietly announced a covert mission to resupply Gargoyle City (Ilshenar) with armour and equipment. Gypsy blacksmiths have failed to resupply Gargoyle City in recent weeks.
Five people are called to volunteer for this important mission. They are to deliver 50 Chainmail Coifs, 100 Bucklers, 75 Daggers, 200 Cutlasses to Wiselem and Inwis in Gargoyle City as soon as possible. In order to gain confidence from the Gargoyles and to elude suspicion, two members of the team MUST BE crafters; all team members must be wearing no more than Grand Master-created armour to not attract attention in the area.
Success of this mission will open trade routes between the PaxLair Statehood and Gargoyle City.
Full details of the mission may be found and discussed here.
Mission Area:
Sacrifice Moongate/Shrine in lower left
Compassion area in upper right,
Gargoyle City in upper left.
News 2007 -
PaxLair Statehood
Written by Winfield_Pax
Sunday, 23 September 2007 |
PAXLAIR STATEHOOD - September 23, 2007
The next PaxLair Weekly Meeting will be held at the Tower of Virtue in the East Meadow of PaxLair City, Felucca. The Paladins of PaxLair (PxP) reside at this Tower.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
- 8:30 PM ET - Pre-meeting gathering
- 9:00 PM ET - Meeting
- 10:00 PM ET - Post-meeting activities

Tower of Virtue located in the East Meadow of PaxLair City
Northwest of the Compassion Shrine (Felucca)
A rune to the meeting location is usually placed at the Tea House in PaxOku, Tokuno.
News Govt -
Official Notices
Written by Winfield_Pax
Tuesday, 18 September 2007 |
OFFICIAL NOTICE - September 18, 2007
At the PaxLair Statehood meeting on September 18, 2007 (held at Gryphon Hall, Luna, Malas, Chesapeake), Mayor Ga'kuct of PaxLair City designated the Paladins of PaxLair (PxP) as an official Citizen-Guild of PaxLair City on Felucca. Citizen-Guild status allows the PxP to serve PaxLair City in a more unified manner. It also allows PxP to become more "officially" involved in PaxLair City matters and situations.
Paladins of PaxLair are led by Lord Elijah Cross. The guild has several buildings in the East Meadow of PaxLair City. PxP regularly patrols the PaxLair City and surrounding area for danger. |
News Govt -
Official Notices
Written by Winfield_Pax
Tuesday, 18 September 2007 |
OFFICIAL NOTICE - September 18, 2007
At the PaxLair Statehood meeting on September 18, 2007 (held at Gryphon Hall, Luna, Malas, Chesapeake), Governor Winfield appointed Kathleen as the Chief Justice for the PaxLair Statehood. This is a Statehood ministerial position reporting to the Governor.
The Chief Justice is responsible for and empowered to decide criminal and small claims cases affecting the Statehood or PaxLair cities. Other cases throughout the Realm may be brought to the Chief Justice if desired. The Chief Justice may decide to hear or not hear a case based on its relevance to Justice and Truth. Gryphon Hall is designated as at least one of the neutral Statehood courthouses. The Chief Justice will be supported by a Prosecutor, Public Defender, Bailiff, and Executioner when such positions are filled by appointment from the Chief Justice. The Chief Justice is also supported by the PaxLair Constables.
Note: This position is for [role-playing] purposes only. It is not for deciding any disputes between [players]. |
News Govt -
Official Notices
Written by Winfield_Pax
Tuesday, 18 September 2007 |
OFFICIAL NOTICE - September 18, 2007
At the PaxLair Statehood meeting on September 18, 2007 (held at Gryphon Hall, Luna, Malas, Chesapeake), Governor Winfield welcomed the Museum of the Virtues (MotV) guild into the PaxLair Statehood Alliance. MotV, led by Lady Katherine, has a Museum and Museum Annex with extremely useful information about the virtues and special accomplishments for the Shard. It also has study areas featuring races of beings such as Ophidians. In the times ahead, such information will be needed to solve [player] quests and perhaps [live] quests within the Realm.
The Museum of the Virtues is located on Malas while the Annex is located in PaxOku. The addition of MotV to the PaxLair Statehood alliance will enable museum curators and research specialists in great ways. They can communicate better with PaxLair people and jointly explore old and new areas for notable information to serve the Shard. |
News Govt -
Official Notices
Written by Winfield_Pax
Tuesday, 18 September 2007 |
OFFICIAL NOTICE - September 18, 2007
At the PaxLair Statehood meeting on September 18, 2007 (held at
Gryphon Hall, Luna, Malas, Chesapeake), Governor Winfield appointed Eoin Smithson as the PaxLair Statehood Quartermaster. The Quartermaster is recognized as a leader for crafting and supplying PaxLair Statehood, Cities, Citizens, Allies, and Friends as possible and needed. Crafting and storage facilities are at Gryphon Hall for the Statehood, with potential other supply points and stations in PaxLair cities and fields of combat or adventure.
PaxLair Defense Forces, under the leadership of Minister of Defense Crypt Keeper, will need equipment and supplies at cities and combat situations in the field. The Quartermaster works with the Minister of Defense along with Statehood Ministers, Mayors, cities' Chancellors, and others to ensure a steady flow of armour, weapons, and items needed for the adventurous and combative activities. Many additional craftsmen may be needed and may learn a great deal from the Quartermaster. |
News Govt -
Official Notices
Written by Winfield_Pax
Tuesday, 18 September 2007 |
OFFICIAL NOTICE - September 18, 2007
At the PaxLair Statehood meeting on September 18, 2007 (held at Gryphon Hall, Luna, Malas, Chesapeake), Governor Winfield designated Gryphon Hall as a facility of the PaxLair Statehood. Eoin Smithson accepted this designation. Gryphon Hall consists of three buildings and includes a meeting hall, pub, crafting areas, auction area, and supply warehouses. Gryphon Hall can be used for several purposes: as a neutral courthouse for Chief Justice Kathleen's trials; as a PaxLair neutral retreat area for meetings and brainstorming; as a supply and resupply point for PaxLair and its cities citizens and the PaxLair defense forces; as a crafting area for all citizens of PaxLair; and more.
Gryphon Hall is a wonderfully designed area and is commemorated to Taltos the Elder. Eoin Smithson is the owner and proprietor. The Hall is located just SW of Luna. |
News 2007 -
Dragons Watch
Written by Vaul Adlatus_Pax
Monday, 17 September 2007 |
DRAGONS WATCH - September 16, 2007
There is an "Amazing Race" coming up each month sponsored by Dragons Watch's Deputy Mayor and Mayor, Phoenix and NANOC. According to Phoenix, the Amazing Race is an ongoing race where one leg is done each month. The full Race runs for 6 months.
The Race consists of Racers starting and racing through towns and villages looking for clues to the next destinations. Clues may involve meeting someone, doing a task to obtain a clues, and more. When the Racer has figured out the clue, they go on to the next spot and complete what is asked of them. An example of what a clue might be is to look at a skypage or a Forum and if the clue is solved, the Racer gets 5 points for completing it and bringing the answer or item to the start of the Race each month. Such a clue can be solved IN ADVANCE before the event. Turn in the clue solution at Skara Brae Community Center on the announced days of the Race.
The first of this monthly event starts on Thursday, September 20th at the Skara Brae Community Center in Trammel near the bank. There's a second independent running on Sunday, September 23rd for those who can't make it on the 20th. Now that's a lot of running!! Racers can not run in both monthly events. There will be some changes between each running. Keep an eye on calendars. Read more below for how the race works.
Interview at Dragons Watch Town Hall
of Phoenix and NANOC about the Amazing Race, September 16, 2007
News 2007 -
PaxLair Statehood
Written by Winfield_Pax
Sunday, 16 September 2007 |
PAXLAIR STATEHOOD - September 16, 2007
The next PaxLair meeting will be held at the Gryphon Hall just SW of Luna, Malas on Chesapeake. The meeting starts at 9 PM ET sharp, on Tuesday, September 18, 2007. Citizens and guests are asked to arrive around 8:30 PM ET to enjoy some time in the pub at Gryphon Hall. There may be an activity or adventure after the meeting at 10 PM ET.
Meeting starts with introduction of new people and returning veterans. Everyone on the shard is invited. The meeting lasts up to one hour maximum.

Gryphon Hall Second Floor

Gryphon Hall located SW of Luna, Malas, Chesapeake
News -
Out of Character
Written by Winfield_Pax
Friday, 14 September 2007 |
UO Players will gather at the Maryland Renaissance Festival on Saturday, September 29th. Players are asked to meet at the RenFest front gates no later than 11 AM Eastern Time to meet and greet. Xotche (pronounced "So'-chee") of Meade is organizing the event and can be reached on the Stratics Chesapeake Forum. Let's make the Maryland RenFest Gathering as FUN as the Michigan RenFest Gathering held on August 25-27, 2006 (picture below) From the Michigan RenFest Gathering held on August 25-27, 2006 Group Pic (L to R): Ga'kuct [Orc], Tancred RedStar [*V*], Lissa Eldi [*V*], DutchessVanHorn [PaxF], Satan's Bane, Laird [!C!], Lyonne [PaxF], Gareth [PaxO], Lenora [PxL], Winfield [Pax], Cotton Eye Joe [L2B3], Jaer Steelrein [PV], Shalizar [TDA], Xotche of Meade [TDA], BreeOge [*V*] See the FULL RESULTS of the Michigan RenFest Gathering HERE. |
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