PaxLair 13th Anniversary: Day 5 – Anniversary Day!

PaxLair City, Felucca, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – January 19, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Today marked the final day of celebrations and anniversary day itself in the PaxLair Statehood. Events to mark the grand occasion included Mage Poker and a great gathering of friends, followed by another of Governor Winfield’s famous speeches.

Mage Poker was hosted by Lady Phoenix and she had decided that old Farmer Charlie’s estate would be a fine place to stage the event. After passing through an encampment of my Bane Chosen friends, I arrived to find the place in a real state of disrepair. Broken fences, rotting doors, shattered rooftile. I wondered for a moment if some of his neighbours such as the Meer had been responsible, but my attention was once again with Lady Phoenix as she explained the rules.

The llama proved particularly difficult to summon.

She would call out a number of animals; mundane creatures only of course, not elementals, wisps, pixies or bees (something which left me observing). The first person to successfully summon all the creatures through the use of the Summon Creature spell would win the round and the prize on offer.

Several rounds of the game were played with the prize at times reaching a hundred thousand for more difficult combinations of animals. It certainly seemed enjoyable and left me wondering if I should invest in a little training in the arcane.

After the game was done, we all made our way to the Mage Tower in PaxLair and gathered on the benches before the Governors Table. There were many people present including one by the name of Neo of Lothlore who had returned after some time away. Governor Winfield addressed those gathered stating it would not be a formal dinner, but a more informal celebration allowing everyone to mingle before his closing speech.

There was something of a dash for the food and booze after the Governor pointed it out.

Sadly, I had to retire early and cross the veil of sleep before the speech was given but I’ve no doubt that the celebrations continued well into the morning leaving everyone with nothing but hazy, happy alcohol-enriched memories of the occasion!

Though the anniversary is over, we all look forward to the year ahead, and a week of fun and interesting events has already left everyone with some inspiration for the months to come. I would like to thank everyone for their wonderful support over the anniversary and hope to see everyone at the next one!

About Ashlynn

I play with movable type on behalf of the PaxLair Times. I sometimes move the little wooden letters around to create something resembling an article. And I come and go like the wind.
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